COVID-19 Protocols

Everyone here at Massih Ortho is pleased to announce that we are finally able to reopen our doors! However, things are going to be a bit different for a while so that we can guarantee the safest experience for all of our patients and staff. Here is what you should expect as we slowly make the transition back to normal:
Increased Disinfection
Our office has and will continue to adhere to all CDC & OSHA guidelines for disinfection around the office. Additionally, we will also be enhancing our office cleaning procedures with specific disinfection policies that revolve around preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Physical Distancing
Although it may not be possible to maintain a six foot distance during your orthodontic appointment, we will adhere to the six foot distance rule when possible. This means that we will be asking for your understanding as we need to schedule patients in a way that allows them to remain physically distant from one another. This also means that we ask only the patients to come into the office. All family members must wait outside, unless directed otherwise.
As a patient, you will be asked to wear a mask once you are inside the office. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you.
Staff Screenings
Our entire staff at Massih Ortho will undergo daily screenings and temperature checks for COVID-19 before they are allowed to interact with patients. Our office will keep a daily log that contains screening information from every staff member.
Patient Screenings
We will also be asking our patients to participate in a brief screening before they enter our office. This screening process is non-invasive and simply consists of answering a few questions over the phone. Once you have entered the office, we will take your temperature before you sit in the dental chair. Additionally, we ask that you call and cancel your appointment if you are feeling sick or if you have a fever, cough, or sick family member.
Virtual Visits
When possible, we will continue to offer virtual orthodontic visits to minimize the amount of people in the office. Virtual visits may work well for retainer checks, however they may not be possible for every type of appointment.
We hope that these policies will help put you at ease during your orthodontic appointment. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (818)507-1515

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